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The Springbok Hit Parade series was masterminded by Ken Talbot and launched in 1970 with the intent to give consumers cheap and easy access to the hits of the day as played on the "Springbok Radio Top Twenty", as broadcast on Friday nights and hosted by David Gresham. Released by MFP (Music For Pleasure), they were initially produced by Robert Schröder , later by David Gresham and eventually by Mike Pilot who took them into their final volumes in the eighties

Internetradio Radio Springbok Germany Radio Springbok Germany

Springbok Hit Parade South Africa

The Springbok Hit Parade series was launched in 1970 with the intent to give South African consumers cheap and easy access to the hits of the day as played on Springbok Radio. The series did not feature original artists and the cover songs were recorded by various unnamed session musicians.  The Springbok Hit Parade series was masterminded by Ken Talbot and launched in 1970 with the intent to give South African consumers cheap and easy access to the hits of the day as played on the "Springbok Radio Top Twenty", as broadcast on Friday nights and hosted by David Gresham. Released by MFP (Music For Pleasure), they were initially produced by Robert Schröder, later by David Gresham, and eventually by Mike Pilot who took them into their final volumes in the eighties.

The Springbok Hit Parade series did not feature original artists and the cover songs were recorded by various unnamed session musicians but these were gradually revealed to include some well-known artists such as Mutt Lange, Stevie Van Kerken, and Mike Pilot.

This mix is a digital re-creation of the first Springbok Hits LP from 1970. This series was started in South Africa by Ken Talbot who originated the idea. They were initially produced by Robert Schroder and later by David Gresham. These albums were intended to give people cheap and easy access to the hits of the day as played on the Springbok Radio Top Twenty broadcast on Friday nights and hosted by David Gresham.

The Springbok Hits albums were recorded by various session musicians, including some very well-known artists such as Mutt Lange, Stevie Van Kerken and Mike Pilot, and released by MFP (Music For Pleasure).

For this mix I have used the original artists.

More information at:

The Weekly South African Singles Chart History:


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  4. Springbok Hit Parade 1

 The First Springbok Hit Parade album

Remember those albums you loved to hate? The Springbok Hits series was started in 1970 by Ken Talbot who originated the idea. They were initially produced by Robert Schroder and later by David Gresham. These albums were intended to give people cheap and easy access to the hits of the dayas played on the Springbok Radio Top Twenty broadcast on Friday nights and hosted by David Gresham.

The Springbok Hits albums were recorded by various session musicians, including some very well-known artists such as Mutt Lange, Stevie Van Kerken and Mike Pilot, and released by MFP (Music For Pleasure).

The cover featured the original"
Springbok Nude Girl"!

Original artists names in brackets.


  1. Cracklin' Rosie (Neil Diamond)
  2. Black Night (Deep Purple)
  3. Yo Yo (Chris Andrews)
  4. Working On A Good Thing (The Outlet)
  5. Scooby Dooby Dum Dum Day (The Attraction)
  6. Love Is A Beautiful Song (Dave Mills)
  7. Yellow River (Christie)
  8. Brown Eyes (Chris Andrews)
  9. Pretty Belinda (Chris Andrews)
  10. Don't Cry Daddy (Elvis Presley)
  11. All I Have To Do Is Dream (Bobby Gentry & Glen Campbell)
  12. Take A Letter Maria (Anthony Armstrong Jones)

South African hits are highlighted.

Release information:

1970, MFP

Complete list of Springbok Hits albums


I was Chief recording Engineer at the EMI studios from about 1969 to 1971. I was also allowed to produce records myself and had my own record label.

When Michael Eve came along to EMI to start MFP I saw the opportunity of putting forward my idea of producing the Springbok Hit Parade series. I didn't think the SABC would allow us to use the name, but they did, and free of charge.

Springbok Hit Parade 1 has my write up on the back. I made a grammatical mistake, can you spot it? Not too good at grammar I'm afraid. It was Michael Eve's wife who pointed it out.

We formed a team, Robert Schroder, who did the music and basically produced it, Mr Frazer from Ardmore and Beechwood, who managed the finances and publishing and Peter Vee who did a lot of the singing on the first album.

The first record was a big success despite being not the best quality. But as one review put it ; "although the quality was not very good, it certainly got a party going."

The basis for the idea was a follow up on Dan Hill's Sounds Electronic series. The nude girl we ended up with was not what I had in mind, but in the end it seems to have worked quite well. I had wanted someting more like Dan Hill's nude girls.

When we later started the South African Hit Parade series on DJ records, we used my idea for a nude girl.

We stayed with the series up to, I think something like number 33, when EMI, who were a bit upset with us for starting another series in competition, decided to do it themselves. It was then given to Mike Pilot to produce.

We sold the rights to EMI for something like 60,000 Rands, if my memory serves me right.

I used to work with Clive Calder and Mutt Lange and Stevie (van Kerken, later Mrs Lange) did most of the vocals on the series while Robert produced it.

Robert Schroder is still very busy on the record scene in South Africa. He does a lot of TV commercials and has had a number of hit records. Stevie Lang (as she calls herself now) has been very successful as well as Mutt Lange and Clive Calder. She is the voice coach for Robbie Williams and I believe manager of Blue who have a number one single on the charts.

Ken Talbot, September 2001


Sony have released the Springbok Nude Girls' swan song album, 'The Fat Lady Sings', an 18-track compilation of the band's best, favourite, most adored, and unforgettable songs from the six hectic years of their glittering career. Sixteen of these songs have appeared before on the various albums and EPs, but two of these (the farewell single 'J59' and the pounding, sentimental 'Dimmer') are brand new Theo Crouse/Arno Carstens' compositions. These two previously-unreleased songs were added to this collection as a bonus, and also possibly as a signpost to where the band's guitarist and vocalist are heading, as they attempt to find a new musical path, still under the Sony banner.

The 16 other tracks however, prove beyond all doubt that this band had it all. The look, the unique sound, the blistering energy, and the best collection of solid gold rock songs by any SA band since... well, since no-one. Like triumphant, returning heroes, the band and these songs deserve a ticker-tape parade down the main streets of Stellenbosch in an open-top Kombi, and it will be a long time until another SA band can achieve their dominance and match their consistent quality.

The album's cover is classic and effective, with its colourful tribute to those Springbok Hits cover version LPs that were the source of the band's name. The song selection is spot on with no controversial omissions. All the hits, favourites, and better B-sides are included. It's a fitting finale to a great band that may not have achieved all they believed they could, but must surely be very content with where they landed up. Goddank vir die Nude Girls' se klank!


The online South African Rock Encyclopedia covers the history of South African rock music from the 1950s up to the early 2000s. All this information is made freely available to the public.


South Africa's Rock Lists


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 RADIO SPRINGBOK GERMANY bied jou en jou besigheid die ideale en perfekte platform om jou gekose klientemark, ons luisteraars, in Afrikaans te bereik.  RADIO SPRINGBOK GERMANYse uitsaaigebied wat die DUITSLAND en omliggende-gemeenskappe insluit  n potentiele 400 000 Afrikaanssprekende induvidue.


is die vinnigste groeiende gemeenskapsradiostasie in  Duitsland !Navorsing het bewys dat radio advertensie veldtogte geweldig effektief is omdat dit geheel en al op klank gebaseer is, wat luisteraars hoor deur na jou advertensie te luister, en vorm n prentjie in hul verbeelding. Hulle word onwetende geforseer om na jou advertenise te luister!


advertensies is beslis uniek!  Nie net is dit kwaliteit opnames en versorging nie maar baie tong in die kies en komies!   Ons kreatiewe span sal sorg dat jou advertensie uniek is en dit sal baie vining n punt van bespreking word om die braaivleisvuur en tussen vriende.

Kurt Darren

Kurt Darren is 'n suksesvolle sanger en TV-aanbieder met 9 SAMA's, 12 platinum en 22 gouetoekennings op sy kerfstok. Hy het by elke groot vertoning in Suid-Afrika opgetree, en het die afgelope vyftien jaar internasionaal getoer. Die vrystelling van 'n nuwe enkelsnit elke 3 maande het verseker dat hy 'n integrale deel van die SA musikale landskap geword het en vir die komende jare relevant sal bl


Nadine Hoffeldt is 'n bekende Suid-Afrikaanse Afrikaanse sangeres en aanbieder, gewild vir haar Kaapse Draai-trefferlied. In 2003 is hierdie liedjie benoem onder diebeste vyf liedjies in 2003 Geraas Musiek Toekenning (GMT) toekennings.
Die GMT-toekenning. Die Suid-Afrikaans gebore sanger/aanbieder het haar sangreis as tiener, dertien om presies te wees, in 1996 begin. Sy het twaalf albums vrygestel met die vyfdewat Kaapse Draai-treffer bevat. Twee van hierdie albums is platinumgesertifiseer terwyl vier ander
as goud gesertifiseer is. Dit wys duidelik sy vaar goed op hierdie gebied. Sy doen egter meer as om te sing. Hier is haar bio. Dit sal meer lig werp oor Nadine-sangeres,
Nadine die vrou, en Nadine die persoon. Sy het baie trefferliedjies opgeneem. Dit sluit in: Dankie Liewe Ouma, Alweer Iemand Anders, Hoor hoe Klop my hart, Latina, Kom Dans met my, Die Hemel Brand, n’ Meisiekind Wil ek graag bly, Vive la Vida, en Afrika Spore. Sy het daarin geslaag om meer as 500 000 CD’s te verkoop oor die jare wat sy in Suid-Afrika se musiektoneel was


KayCee(Karla Christene)

Sing is 'n lewenslange passie sedert die ouderdom van 5. Ek het onlangs 'n nuwe
fase van my sangloopbaan betree deur KayCee in plaas van Karla Christene as
my verhoognaam te omhels.
Dinge gebeur vinnig vir my en ek sal jou graag saam
met my op hierdie reis wil neem.
Ek het onlangs "Sê my hoe" 'n Afrikaanse enkelsnit vrygestel. Dit gaan oor hoe jy voortgaan na die verlies van 'n geliefde. Dit sal my 2de enkelsnit wees wat ek vrygestel het en ek is baie opgewonde. Ek werk daaraan om my eerste Engelse liedjie vry te stel. Ek het talle plaaslike kompetisies gewen, waarvan die laaste in 2012 was. In 2014 & 2015 is ek genomineer vir 'n "Bokkie" as Nuweling van die Jaar. Dit is een van ons grootste radiostasies in Suid-Afrika. Dit was so 'n eer.

Bok Van Blerk

“Dis in my bloed. Ek geniet musiek maak. Geniet is miskien nie ‘n sterk genoeg woord nie. Ek is mal daaroor. Mal daaroor om te sien hoe mense aanklank vind by my lirieke,
hoe hulle saamsing… mal daaroor om te hoor by my bewonderaars hoe ‘n liedjie
hulle lewe geraak het of net hul gemoedstoestand gelig het. Ek voel geseënd om te kan sê ek geniet wat ek doen.”

Christina Betz

Christina Betz Sängerin, geboren Christina Betz am 09.10.1989 in St. Ingbert
Christina singt schon seit 10 Jahren, sie hat eine Musikschule besucht um professionell singen zu lernen, da es Ihre großeLeidenschaft ist.Üben macht Ihr sehr viel Spaß, auch neue Lieder zu lernen.
Ihre Hobbys Insekten und die schöne Natur die Sie sehr gerne durchstreift. Ihr wunderschönes Saarland liebt Sie von Herzen, das Sie gerne bereist.

Adri Van Heerden

Live shows on Facebo

Anton Freddie Thomas

My name is Anton F. Thomas.I was born in 1979 in Johannesburg,South Africa,my love for music came when i was about 5 years old when i use to sit in the back seat and sing with Elvis Presley and when i got older I did competitions,i performed with people like Lance James,Barbra Ray,Kurt Darren,
Billy Forest and more.I love to do country music although i love any music except "metal" well this song is based on a real dream people and it is SAMRO South Africa Registered ...yea i love Entertainment
and I am an Entertainer,love to socialize and I am the friendliest person you can think of.
Feel free to contact me if you like.If you would like to contact me you can do it at 0844420709 TAT2-Entertainment.com Your one stop entertainment Centre, where the entertainment world mmeets

Theuns Jordaan

Jordaan is op 10 Januarie 1971 op 'n Karooplaas naby Venterstad in die Oos-Kaap gebore.Terwyl hy bedryfsielkunde aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch studeer het, het hy sy eerste optrede op 21 Oktober 1992 by 'n plaaslike kroeg genaamd The Terrace gehad. Hy het sy eie lirieke begin komponeer, wat gelei het tot vyf liedjies van sy debuutalbum, Vreemde Stad. Theuns het die Hoërskool Volkskool in Graaff-Reinet in die Oos-Kaap bygewoon.Terwyl hy op skool, Std 9 en matriek was, het hy musiek gespeel en vir plaaslike besoekers gesing by 'n pizzarestaurant/kroeg genaamd Trail in. Nadat hy sy studies voltooi het,het Jordaan 'n jaar as entrepreneur deurgebring. In Oktober 1998 het hy van die Kaap na Pretoria verhuis en, nadat hy gewildheid in die stad gekry het, het hy sy debuutalbum, Vreemde Stad,in Stellenbosch opgeneem. Hierdie album is in 2000 by die Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees in Oudtshoorn vrygestel. EMI het Vreemde Stad kort daarna vrygestel, en die album het drievoudige platinumstatus (150 000 kopieë) in Julie 2003 verbygesteek. Hy het sy tweede album, Tjailatyd, by die Aardklop-musiekfees in 2002 bekendgestel, wat ook meer as 150 000 plate verkoop het. Die Suid-Afrikaanse kitaarspeler, Anton L'Amour, het saam met Theuns opgetree en was verantwoordelik vir al die kitaarsnitte in Vreemde Stad en Tjailatyd.


Chrissie Rossouw

Chrissie Rossouw is a country music singer, director, video editor, songwriter and radio
DJ from Potchefstroom, South Africa. Rossouw grew up in a rural village called Koster in North West. Her love for music was deeply rooted in her childhood but her music career only got shape and kicked offwhen she married Phillip Rossouw, a keen musician who had been involved in many different projects.
She released her debut album 'Pappa se Meisiekind' that featured Ray Dylan, Andries Bothaand Deon Vd Merwe, Renaldo Taute, Sez Adamson, Denny Laloutte and Vinnie
Henrico.Rossouwis the co-owner of a production house called Angel Music Studio Productions, a company that specialises
in audio, video and broadcast productions. Rossouw was also the production leader of
two successful television series of 13 episodes each titled 'Die Ekstra Myl' and 'Springbok stories'that broadcast on Kyknet. Rossouw and Martiza joined forces and released their first country Gospel album and DVD, with 12 tracks and 12 music videos called 'Gospel From The Heart'


Ray Dylan

Ray Dylan is jare lank al stewig in die Suid-Afrikanse musiekbedryf gevestig.
Hy glo egter sterk in vernuwing en kontinuïteit. Ray slaag altyd daarin om mense tevermaak en sy nuuste album, “Country Vibes”, is ‘n sprekende voorbeeld
van sy toewyding aan sy lojale aanhangers! “Country Vibes” bestaan uit 19 liedjies,
soos “Forever Young, Sancta Maria, Beautiful War en Stuck on You” om slegs ‘n paar te noem– nie almal noodwendig eg “country” nie, maar met ‘n baie duidelike
“country”-aanslag – soos net Ray Dylan kán!


Leah is 'n bondel energie wat altyd tyd maak vir ander. Haar debuutalbum, Wonderwerk, spog met ’n goue status vir verkope en is ook die aanbieder van kykNET se immergewildeBoer Soek ’n Vrou-reeks waar sy boere help in hul soeke na liefde. Leah se groot deurbraak het gekom in die vorm van modelwerk: sy is in November 2011 opgemerk in Rapport se
Model van die Jaar-kompetisie, wat sy ook gewen het.
Kort daarna het die bekroonde
liedjieskrywer Johan Vorster haar hoor sing en dadelik aan die werk gegaan om vir haar 'n platekontrakte verseker.
Sy het in 2013 die silwerdoek betree in die musiekfliek “As Jy Sing”.Sy is beslis een van ons land se besigste kunstenaars met optredes regoor ons landwaar sy harte en aande vasvang met haar unieke klank en persoonlikheid.


Riana Nel

Riana Nel is 'n Namibiese sanger-liedjieskrywer. Nadat sy in Windhoek grootgeword het,het sy na Suid-Afrika verhuis om haar loopbaan te begin. Haar liedjies is beskryf as wat elemente van
"Pop & Country" insluit. Sy het haar wortels in Gospel-musiek stewig geplaas met die vrystelling van die albums "Oopmond", "The Cure", "Someone With Skin" en het baie toekennings gewen, insluitend die "Crescendo-toekenning" in 2000. Haar jongste, “Die Moeite Werd”, het gesien hoe sy haar naam verander na Riana Nel. “Die Moeite Werd” is meer aanklank by die sekulêre mark en het Platinum-status bereik en bly top Suid-Afrikaanse Musiektrefferlyste. Riana het ook in die Afrikaanse fliek, 'n Saak Van Geloof' gespeel saam met haar mede-ster Robbie Wessels, die bron. bekroonde Suid-Afrikaanse sanger/liedjieskrywer komediant.Nel is 'n bekroonde liedjieskrywer wat liedjies geskryf het vir Juanita Du Plessis, Bobby Van Jaarsveld en vir Lianie May se mees onlangse album, 'Lank Lewe Die Liefde'. Riana Nel het 'n verhoog gedeel met haar suster Nianell, Bobby van Jaarsveld,
Lianie May en vele meer. Sy het al in Suid-Afrika, Namibië, Frankryk, Holland, die VK,
Nashville (VSA), Rusland, Mosambiek en Australië opgetree.


Magdel Spanellis

Ek is 'n sanger en kunstenaar in Kaapstad Suid-Afrika, en woon in 'n klein dorpie genaamd Gansbaai. Musiek is my passie en ek kan nie wag dat die wêreld my musiek hoor nie. Ek is mal daaroor om te vermaak en lewendig op te tree. Daar is net niks wat my hart vinniger laat klop as om op 'n ander vlak op te tree en met mense te skakel nie....
n geestelike vlak want ek glo musiek raak die siel.
Dit is wat ek liefhet om te doen,
ek is mal daaroor om siele aan te raak en as dit beteken dat ek kan doen waarvoor ek die liefste isen steeds kan doen waarvoor ek bestem is om te doen, dan is my lewe volledig......
Hierdie is net die begin, en ek sien uit na my toekoms in die musiek industrie....ja daar is 'n nuwe meisie op die blok en haar naam is Magdel Spanellis.....
Ek is beskikbaar vir besprekings, jy kan vir my 'n e-pos stuur na selectaccomtourism@gmail.com rock aan!!



Coenie Claassen



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